
HAcid: multi-row transactions in HBase

HAcid is a client library for HBase applications to enable the support for multi-row ACID transactions in HBase. The isolation level of these transactions is Snapshot Isolation, but Serializability is currently supported  as an unstable feature.

HAcid open-source repo at bitbucket.org 

This is the end result of my Master's Thesis at Aalto University. It was inspired by Google Percolator, but is still different in many ways. While Percolator uses locks for controlling concurrency, HAcid is lock-free because it employs optimistic concurrency control.

Using HAcid is straightforward:
import fi.aalto.hacid.*;

Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create();
HAcidClient client = new HAcidClient(conf);

// To enable transactions, use this wrapper instead of HTable
HAcidTable table = new HAcidTable(conf, "mytable");

// Start a new transaction
HAcidTxn txn = new HAcidTxn(client);

// Use HAcidGet instead of HBase's Get
HAcidGet g = new HAcidGet(table, Bytes.toBytes("row1"));
g.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("fam1"), Bytes.toBytes("qual1"));
Result r = txn.get(g);

// Use HAcidPut instead of Put
HAcidPut p = new HAcidPut(table, Bytes.toBytes("row1"));

// Commit the transaction
boolean outcome = txn.commit(); 
// true is "committed", false "aborted"

The algorithms in the HAcid library rely heavily on HBase's single-row transactions, in particular CheckAndPut. One of the tricks employed was explained on this blog already. My Thesis is a complete documentation of the system.

The license is Apache 2.0.
Feel free to comment, ask, fork at bitbucket, etc.


  1. I notice that there's no HTablePool support. What's the best option for pooling? Do I need to create my own HAcidTablePool using the Apache Commons Pool or something similar?

    1. Hi Mat, good to know that you are using HAcid.

      There is indeed no HTablePool support, I had not predicted that use.
      As far as I see, you don't need to implement something like HAcidTablePool. You can implement your own factory class through the interface HTableInterfaceFactory. See this book chapter http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/databases/database-design/9781449314682/4dot-client-api-advanced-features/id3591501

      You also need to implement the interface HTableInterface, for instance extending or modifying HAcidTable. In fact, HAcidTable is a thin wrapper over HTable. https://bitbucket.org/staltz/hacid/src/62c4589532cee23fc4a088f197656e28774bcef9/src/fi/aalto/hacid/HAcidTable.java?at=default

      The book chapter seems like a good resource to implement this. Let me know if you run into problems.

  2. Implementing this is proving more awkward than it should be. I could for example just modify your code and put this Lombok annotation on htable in the HAcidTable class and make HAcidTable implement HTableInterface but I'd really rather just use your code as is. Would you be able to make this change to make it easier to use your code?

    protected HTable htable;


    (If you prefer to not use Lombok in your source for other users, you can use de-Lombok to convert @Delegate into all the relevant methods)

  3. Hi Mat,

    Thanks for the suggestion. Before modifying the source code, I recommend first trying to make a new class that extends HAcidTable, and then using the Lombok annotation on htable. Should work because htable is a protected variable.

    Let me know if this approach solves your problem.

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  38. HAcid is a client library for HBase applications to enable the support for multi-row ACID transactions in HBase instarect

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  69. Organa keto: the Framingham Heart Study. Wyszedlem z gabinetu, skierowalem swe kroki ku wyjsciu i slysze, ze powinienem sie wstydzic. A opcja ze czlowiek zaczyna sie pĂ³zniej jest niebezpieczna, bo pozbawia dziecko ochrony przed osobami trzecimi. Regardless of where you live, you can protect yourself from plague by treating your pets for fleas and avoiding contact with wildlife, as well as reporting any dead animals to the local health department.|Kiedy ja konczylam studia to wyjazd gdziekolwiek aby sie ksztalcic dalej byl niemozliwy - teraz mlodzi ludzie moga wyjechac na staze do najlepszych klinik na swiecie i przywiezc tam uzyteczna wiedze ale nie - wola siedziec na tylkach na panstwowym - podczas gdy przecietny absolwent moze jedynie pomarzyc aby w ogĂ³le miec jakakolwiek umowe prace. http://www.garciniamarket.com/organa-keto/

  70. Organa keto: Components include exercising regularly, eating a nutritious diet, getting enough sleep and rest, resisting harmful substances like alcohol and drugs, maintaining a healthy weight and practicing good hygiene. Certain groups of people with type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin or particular oral medications can safely fast during Ramadan under the guidance of their health-care professional.|While these possible benefits have yet to be proven, the National Institutes of Health notes preliminary evidence showing that omega-3 fatty acid supplements might decrease morning stiffness and pain in people with rheumatoid arthritis, as well as reduce the risk for age-related macular degeneration. Scientists suggest that eating more fiber may improve overall health and reduce body weight. Turmeric may help regulate blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes, according to UMMC. http://www.garciniamarket.com/organa-keto/

  71. Organa Keto Healthy Eating Habits : Avoid going to junk food restaurants to dine. But a 2015 thesis from Liverpool John Moores University tested this recommendation in healthy men, with the results indicating no adverse effects from eating prawns. Remember, once you have started eating most of your food raw, your energy level will be a lot higher, you will feel a lot healthier and cooked food will have less appeal. It's more likely that meat, milk, and similar foods help trigger earlier puberty because they are rich in protein, calories, and nutrients, says Marcia Herman-Giddens, an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, in Chapel Hill, and the lead author of an influential 1997 study on early puberty in girls. In October 2017, the Food and Drug Administration revoked the health claim that soy protein reduces the risk of heart disease.|According to a 2013 study in the journal Foods and a 2013 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , quantities of lycopene are always higher in cooked tomatoes, with canned tomatoes containing twice as much as fresh ones. Pulses also make a healthy and inexpensive source of protein. If your yearly income falls below the 400 percent poverty level, the Obamacare insurance marketplace is probably your best option for getting health coverage because of the federal tax credits they offer, which will reduce the amount you'll have to pay for a policy. Over 130 scientists from around 40 countries took part in the analysis and the results are shocking enough to push you towards a healthy diet immediately. Here we provide details of the top 15 foods considered to be the most healthy, according to surveys and sources across the United States and Western Europe.|If you're really struggling to decipher your Health data, or just plain don't know what to do with it, speak to a physician or registered dietitian to get some help. Some of these are: emotional health and a positive self image; appreciation, respect for, and care of the human body and its vital organs; physical fitness; health issues of alcohol, tobacco and drug use and abuse; health misconceptions and quackery; effects of exercise on the body systems and on general well being; nutrition and weight control; sexual relationships, the scientific, social and economic aspects of community and ecological health; communicable and degenerative diseases including sexually transmitted diseases; disaster preparedness; safety and driver education; choosing professional medical and health services; and choices of health careers.

  72. garciniamarket She specializes in health, wellness and travel topics and has credits in various publications including Woman's Day, Marie Claire, Adirondack Life and Self. They contain other vitamins, including vitamin B-2, also known as riboflavin, and vitamin B-12, both of which are important for energy and red blood cells. Health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living; it is a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities". In addition to boosting your immune system to fight off invading viruses and bacteria, vitamin E is vital for keeping your blood vessels healthy by managing blood clotting by helping cells interact to carry out important bodily functions. These policies do not offer the federal tax credits, but they are required to offer the same menu of essential benefits as Obamacare policies do, and they can't deny you coverage or charge extra for pre-existing health conditions.|Tracking this type of medical information during a patient's life offers clinicians context to a person's health, which can aid in treatment decisions. The National Institutes of Health reports that more than 500,000 people in the United States die each year due to heart disease, which can be caused by a high fat diet. Ionizers have also been studied for their effects on certain mental health conditions, including depression and anxiety, as well as their effects on sleep and personal comfort. It's more likely that meat, milk, and similar foods help trigger earlier puberty because they are rich in protein, calories, and nutrients, says Marcia Herman-Giddens, an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, in Chapel Hill, and the lead author of an influential 1997 study on early puberty in girls.|Each ounce of pine nuts contains 2.7 milligrams of vitamin E, or 18 percent of your recommended daily intake, established by the Institute of Medicine. In a 2004 study, patients with above-average IGF levels had nearly a 50 percent higher risk of prostate cancer and a 65 percent higher risk of hormone-dependent premenopausal breast cancer than people with below-average levels. Eight states and the District of Columbia offer Medicaid to a fraction of poor, childless adults without disabilities and 20 states provide lesser health care benefits, the foundation reports. Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process, shaped by both the evolution of health care knowledge and practices as well as personal strategies and organized interventions for staying healthy.


  73. Keto Ignite ReviewsA study found that a diet rich in fruits reduces the risk of the upper gastrointestinal tract. For hackers, PHI is a treasure trove of personal consumer information that, when stolen, can be sold elsewhere or even held hostage through ransomware until the victimized healthcare organization sends a payoff. Learn why healthcare executives agree that digital transformation is the global trend that will have the greatest impact on their organisation. For example, the MOC cannot take into account whether you will use available public services because you have private health insurance or enough money to pay for treatment. For the first time in U.S. history, says Daniel Shoag, one of the study's co-authors, it no longer makes sense for an unskilled worker in Utah to head for New York in the hope of building a better life.Today, most governments recognize the importance of public health programs in reducing the incidence of disease, disability, the effects of ageing and health inequities , although public health generally receives significantly less government funding compared with medicine. Join us in Berlin, Germany, on April 9-11, 2019, for the Innovative Healthcare IT” session focusing on the latest innovations transforming the healthcare system. The Oracle Healthcare Foundation unifies data across entire organizations to deliver a single source of truth, driving data-driven decisions, cost efficiencies, and a future built on innovation. Prolonged psychological stress may negatively impact health, and has been cited as a factor in cognitive impairment with aging, depressive illness, and expression of disease.Public health has been described as "the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals." 52 It is concerned with threats to the overall health of a community based on population health analysis. A new research study has found that Medicaid enrollees with behavioral health and other chronic conditions are less likely to be working part or full time than those without these conditions, making it less likely they will meet new or proposed work requirements for Medicaid that have been implemented or proposed in some states. This patriotic sentiment runs counter to innumerable studies that show Americans spend more on health care but don't get better health in return.

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